Is Roger Federer the Greatest Ever? Not in my opinion!!
Disclaimer: A disclaimer is for defensive minded people and I'm not too proud to say I'm one. This is merely a collection of my thoughts and understanding on the tennis I have religiously watched in the last 6 years. Calling it rubbish or finding it good, is clearly the readers’ call, I’m no expert to either be offended or to stand and question. To Gopinath my Dear Brother, Avin, Rubesh, Harish, Ajit, Bhai, Sanjeev all of whom are ardent followers of Roger Federer - I have nothing against all of you and this really isn't an effort to raise your BP Levels. To my own Rafa lovers - CPT, Sudhir, Reon, Dhivya, Gunal, Anna, Pramod, Ashwin, Subhash, Amar, Arun, Sumit, Vivian and many more - You guys might appreciate this. To the neutrals like Naveen, Zendil - Life is so peaceful being you! I’m not too sure on the amount of wrath that I will be inviting myself for, when I publish this blog. I have heard far too many people concluding that Roger Federer is the best player wh...