Offering Food to the hungry is the most priceless act ever
28-Jan-2018: Around a fortnight ago, as I was taking a walk on the streets along with Hema [my wife], we met a girl selling story books and little toys. Neither will be of use to us, so we ignored. While we tried to move, all we heard from her was, "I'm hungry..I'm hungry.. please buy this, I'm hungry". Everyone of us is hungry at some point in time during the day, but being hungry without knowing where the next meal will come from, is a very tough situation to be in. From whatever I have seen in my life so far, I strongly feel that the pain nobody should go through, is the one induced by hunger. We asked her, "We really do not need the books, will it be OK if we buy you food?". She happily agreed. Coimbatore is known for the numerous bakeries and tea stalls you can find. She took us to one of those nearby and listed down what she needed. A veg puff, a pack each of chips and biscuits, accounting to 37 rupees. She gleefully thanked us. ...